
What the FinTech?!

Those of you that have worked in the insurance industry for a long period of time will remember the days that customers used to come visit your branch to arrange their insurance policies.  This would usually include filling out paperwork (by hand!) and potentially even calling up and talking to actual human beings in order to arrange a policy.

Then came the Internet.  Soon, customers were able to visit your website and purchase a policy online.  However, this is where customers started to become savvy: now it only took them a few minutes to get a quote from home they could start comparing companies – a fact quickly cottoned onto by price comparison websites which customers now flock to in their thousands on a daily basis.

Today the insurance industry is facing a new change thanks to the introduction of what has aptly been named “FinTech” (financial technology).  Even though technology for financial institutions has been around for a while now, over the past few months investors across the globe have been pumping billions of pounds into web startups that specialise in technology such as Big Data, analytics, mobile and security.

These days it’s uncommon for an insurance broker not to have some kind of online presence, however unless you have some experience in online technology it can often be daunting knowing what options are right for your business.  Over the years QuoteSearcher has utilised a number of online marketing strategies including SEO, PPC, social media, affiliate programmes, conversion rate optimisation, quote form development and web design (to name a few!)

Having had years of experience in online technology I believe I can safely say that investing in FinTech is something that most, if not all, insurance companies may want to consider in the near future.  FinTech takes the technology we already have one step further; for example Big Data and analytics will provide lead generation companies greater understanding of their customers, their behaviour and therefore their likelihood of converting.

As someone who runs a lead generation website I have found data invaluable when it comes to ensuring that our leads not only have the possibility of converting but also providing a profit.  Data enables brokers to better understand the buying habits of numerous demographics, such as whether they prefer to buy via a desktop, tablet or mobile, and then target these demographics accordingly.

However, FinTech goes one step further than traditional online marketing.  Since users have been able to purchase financial products online there has always been the concern that financial details won’t be safe online – a worry that companies such as PayPal has capitalised on massively over the years.  Now, FinTech startups are creating new technology with cybersecurity at its core, enabling customers not only to purchase financial products online quickly but also securely.

Brokers who are looking to lead generation sites such as QuoteSearcher to bolster their businesses can therefore benefit massively from the introduction of FinTech.  As QuoteSearcher has spent years integrating online technology solutions with traditional brokering we are excited of the possibilities that FinTech offers both us and our partners.  Watch this space!

Ben Moore is the General Manager of QuoteSearcher – a free to use insurance comparison website partnered with niche business insurance providers across the UK.  To find out more about our services follow Ben on Twitter @BenMoore_QS or email

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Ben Moore, General Manager, QuoteSearcher guest blog on youTalk-insurance


Get more customer engagement – Make your insurance marketing SNACKABLE

With the growing realisation amongst more enlightened insurance marketers that good old advertising has its limitations, many are looking to produce ‘Thought Leadership’ articles around hot topics that seek to educate and inform both existing and potential customers. 

This is surely a good thing as it helps companies that engage in this activity to flex around their intellectual prowess on a given subject and sees them respond to the age old marketing question ‘what do you want to be known for’.

At the same time target consumers have never been faced with such a bewildering amount of content to read and digest.  Unless they are working in the luxury goods department, most business people in the year 2015 tend to be very time poor and probably would admit to having a pile of ‘must read items’ either saved on their computer or sitting on the corner of their desk.

Insurance marketers should consider…

Big reports, guides, white papers (you get the gist) are great but their production I suppose counts for naught if they are not read.  Now I am not suggesting that this thought leadership marketing collateral should not be produced, after all it is a great way of sharing useful and important information.  What I do advocate is giving some thought to making the content ‘SNACKABLE’.  

A great recent example of Snackable content was produced by AIG who have recently published a comprehensive report 'Cyber: Joined up?'.  To accompany this report they also produced a punchy press release that set out all the need to know facts with an invitation to the reader to download the full report – See this link here Greater board engagement vital in relation to cyber risks says AIG 

What is Snackable content?

Snackable content items are short-form, easy to read articles that get to point quickly and deliver key messages and need to know facts, without the waffle.  Think of a well written executive summary.

Producing Snackable content does not mean that you should abandon the production of longer pieces, reports etc. I am merely suggesting that you should produce a shorter version and give your customers the choice.  Where you do this I would expect that you would include a link to your full report should a customer want to read more.

Snackable content production is all about giving your customers choice and giving your business another opportunity to secure brand engagement.

The concept of Snackable marketing content lends itself incredibly well to the very immediate and fast moving browsing nature of Social Media where grabbing attention and securing engagement in a massive sea of noise is essential. 

In short, punchy, relevant and easy to understand marketing content is easier to share and the more your content is shared the more you will have shaped a positive perception of your brand, you never know it might even lead to more enquiries.

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